Friday, August 26, 2011

mens footwear

Amongst the shoes making their way into the shop...

A pair of ‘Roma’ black leather oxfords by Thom McAn from the early ‘60s.

1962 Trademark

1963 Advertisement

Great steel-toe, leather work boots with Biltrite soles.

A pair of old-school Eastland boots, made in Freeport, ME.  (Their new Made in Maine USA collection is hitting fashion blogs like crazy these days, retailing for a few-hundred dollars.) 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

vintage king “bobby from boston” garnett

I’ll never forget the first time I stepped into Bobby From Boston…it pretty much took my breath away. This is a nice profile of Bobby Garnett, the man behind this hugely influential vintage shop, featured on The Brooklyn Circus website.  Considering the excellence of what he has built, I have so much respect for his perspective and couldn't agree more:
“I’m proud of the fact that I’m in a business that is the recycling business,” he continues “We’re not a nonprofit or anything but I’m glad we’re doing something that’s keeping a lot of stuff out the dumps.”
Vintage King “Bobby From Boston” Garnett