Wednesday, March 14, 2012

a circular process

Salt 2: boatbuilding, sailmaking, island people, river driving, bean hole beans, wooden paddles and more Yankee doings

From the introduction by Pamela Wood. Speaking of the Salt Boatyard, an apprenticeship program in Kennebunk, Maine during the 1970s in conjunction with Salt magazine, and the origins of the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies currently located in Portland.

My colleagues and I at the Salt Boatyard let the natural lure of making a good product be the principal conduit for directed energy. Making the product becomes the incentive, reward, mechanism, and symbol for learning and growth...
...It is a circular process, this making and learning. To make a product, the student must learn and the product is his learning, his achievement; in the end, product and learning become one. It is an exhilarating union.